Saturday, December 6, 2008

101st post

Well, I posted on here a hundred times, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the results, so I'm going to retire this blog. ("retire this blog..." Is that even a meaningful thing to say?) The main purpose was that I wanted to get myself to write more about movies I was watching, since I was watching a lot of movies. I haven't been watching all that many movies lately... and then when I have watched movies that I've thought of things I might want to write about them (or other things besides movies), I've not got around to it, partly because I felt like "what's the point?" when I'd watched so many and skipped writing about them. There was something that felt productive about this for a while, and I think I want to try to get back at that, but in a more focused way. I do, eventually, want to have a career as a professor, a central aspect of which will be doing scholarly work--and I like that idea because I do like doing that, but I also think that in order to get better at things like that it would help to make writing about things I read/watch/listen to something that I do often. And seriously. But I won't be doing that here. Maybe, non-existent readers, it will be at this address.