Thursday, August 16, 2007

American Cannibal

(6/24/07. Red Vic w/Ell & Erin. 7:00p)

1) My fellow filmgoer said to me that there would have certainly been ways for the makers of the documentary to find out if the girl had actually died or not, and I'm unsure about whether or not that's true, but I definitely was a little uncomfortable about the way they kind of made the confusion the focal point of the end. I guess, if you're making a documentary and someone in that documentary suddenly and unexpectedly almost dies, it would be pretty difficult to resist the feeling that you'd just struck oil, at least for the part of you that is thinking constantly about how you can shape everything you're filming into a narrative. The death of an innocent is, after all, pretty damn dramatic. But if you're trying to make a point that reality TV is disgusting because the people making it are cavalier about the lives their filming, jumping all over the result of that carelessness and running around the country to shoot the insouciant face of that girl's brother seems to kind of loosen your foothold on the moral high ground. I guess if they reall do have no idea what happened to the girl, though, there's not much else to do with it.

2) I sort of kept expecting throughout the film that there would be some dramatic "reveal" moment, where the audience would suddenly be let in on some level of trickery or plotting on the parts of either Gil & Dave or the documentary filmers. I kind of still am expecting that.

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