Friday, August 17, 2007


As funny as expected. I'm really looking forward to watching Michael Cera's career. Hopefully it's a long one. Dude is hilarious.

The scene with Michael Cera singing in the room full of drugged out guys: I'd hate to think how that scene would've ended up in Adam Sandler's or most other comedy director's hands. Or maybe it was just all Michael Cera, and nobody could've fucked it up. The weird thing is when I saw that scene in the previews, I thought it was him trying to be cool with a bunch of friends or something, and it was exactly as funny.

Elliot thought the stuff with the cops was the funniest stuff; I definitely thought the interactions between Michael Cera and the guy who played Seth were the funniest. How much of that is because I loved Arrested Development so much?

I thought the blood on the pants thing veered a little too close to American Pie 2 territory for me, but I guess really the movie had no pretension to be anything other than a really good example of exactly that sort of thing, so it's probably unfair of me to be put of by it. But I still was.

Why is heterosexual male friendship always to be interpreted as homoerotic among a certain significant portion of the intelligentsia? It's always pronounced in this way that makes the pronouncer superior to the characters; like the pronouncer has seen through the two males' relationship in a way that the two characters would just never be able to. It seems, if anything, more an example of the way most people think men are just never not thinking about sex, or that men are oversexed or something. These two guys' friendship is indicative of their repressed homosexual longing for each other that they can never express because they are forcing themselves to be heterosexual, as if it were completely impossible for a man to feel closeness to another person without it being sexual. Sure, some guys might have problems expressing their emotions to each other because they've been conditioned to think of themselves as compulsively oversexed creatures who can't truly feel emotions without sex. Whenever there are movies about female friendship (which, sure, are sadly too rare and far less common than male friendship movies) there is not this kind of snarky chatter about how they're really lesbians.

Went to this with Patrick, Elliot, and Erin.

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