Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Driver

(8/12/07 laptop, by myself, 4:30 pm)

1) I have to find more movies with Bruce Dern in them. He is awesome.

2) This movie really gives a good sense of being in the city it's filmed in. The way the characters wander around back alleys and the cars fly up and down empty night streets, it feels like it's actually happening in a real place that real people live in.

3) I like that the movie didn't go out of its way to try to invent some pop-psych motive for the characters, especially the Driver. In the hands of lamer folks, there would have been a scene between the Driver and the alibi chick where she asks him why he lives like he does, and either through flashback or based on something he says, we would learn that he was abused as a child or that his dad abandoned him or something--all done under the false impression that it would somehow make his character more "interesting." Instead, it's not even clear what the Driver does when he's not driving other than lie on his bed and stare at the ceiling. If the viewer wants, she can invent all the psychological trauma for him that she can.

4) The car chases are actually kind of beautiful, especially the shots from the "front" of the car, with the bright buildings shining in the black night sky.

5) The whole scene on the AmTrak seemed kind of pointless, though. I'd have cut it. Or at least made it shorter. It messed with the rhythm of the film just a little bit.

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