Thursday, August 16, 2007


(7/4/07. AMC Loews in Metreon, w/Elliot & Erin. 4:00p)

1) Michael Bay, you still suck, but this movie was awesome!

2) John Turturro should be in every movie.

3) The hot girl telling John Turturro to take his clothes off after Bumblebee peed on him: creepy. The "S7" superman insignia on the front and "SIMMONS" like a jersey name on the back of his wife-beater: hilarious!

4) Witwicky and the hot chick didn't feel weird that the Transformers just kind of sat there and stared at them while they were making out? Couldn't the Autobots at least have revved their engines in conspiratorial approval of Witwicky, or something? Would that have made it more or less creepy?

5) Spontaneous applause when Megatron says, "I AM MEGATRON!!!" to the giant empty chamber he's just thawed out in. That's how you know a flick's good.

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