Thursday, August 16, 2007

Live Free or Die Hard

(6/28/07. Century 9 in SF Center, alone. 1:00p)

1) Bruce Willis has a nearly perfect head.

2) Classic Hollywood computers! When the bad guys try to kill Mac guy's puter, it says "UPLOADING VIRUS."

3) Every shot in this movie is super slick, so it's weird when Mac guy and Bruce Willis are arguing at Woodlawn and there's a rather obvious editing fake, and Mac guy is obviously not saying the things you hear his voice saying.

4) "Yippee-ki-yay mother[blam]" ?! I didn't even notice it was PG-13 until that point. Why the fuck was this movie PG-13?

5) The "Asteroids" arcade machine in Warlock's basement. I wanted them to stop the movie so I could play it.

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